Cooking at the
Oil mill

Just a few kilometers from the sea and the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, a refined countryside residence welcomes curious travelers to experience simple and authentic Sicilian cuisine.

Cooking in the

Cooking classes with a Michelin-starred chef in the fantastic, warm, and informal atmosphere of his Inn. The Iblei region, in southeastern Sicily, is considered one of the most fascinating destinations for Italian gastronomy.

Wine & Cuisine

The classes for resort guests take place in the large tiled with majolicas kitchen, featuring a large window that overlooks the dining area. The resort is dedicated to hospitality by a family and a company that are among the finest Sicilian wine producers.

In the kitchens of a Starred Chef

Cooking class with Chef Vincenzo Candiano, Michelin-starred. The class will take place in the morning and includes lunch and wine. We’re in the heart of Baroque architecture, in Ragusa Ibla, set in a truly enchanting backdrop.

a Palazzo

La cornice è quella di Palazzo Ajutamicristo. Sarete accolti personalmente dalla padrona di casa che vi condurrà nella visita del Palazzo e vi racconterà la storia e gli aneddotti ad esso legati. Poi, nella bella cucina storica del Palazzo.

Private Sicily di Lai Viaggi s.r.l.
Piazza San F.sco di Paola, 25
90138 Palermo – Italy

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